Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Guardian

As a man, husband and father protection is a very important word. In my home I am to stand between my family and harm’s way. Today, I want to add to that definition.

I have come to realize, especially with a daughter near completion of high school and a son who will soon be a freshman, it is also my job to protect their reputation.
Many of us can think of someone from high school who did not turn out to be the person the rumors told us they were. We can name girls we thought got around, were stuck up or dingy. Guys who hit girls, drank too much or were doing something harder than alcohol.

While some of those rumors might have turned out to be true, many were not. The rumor mill fuels high schools.
Some would say I am too strict when it comes to my children. Not allowed to date, if they go to a dance, the movies or just somewhere to eat and there is a person of the opposite sex with them there has to be one or more people there too. Our daughter wasn’t allowed to wear make up until she was 16. If they are with friends on the weekends we have to know where they are at all times. These are just a few of our rules.

While these rules may seem harsh, they are meant to protect the reputation of our children. Even the most obedient child slips up from time to time. Without thinking they make a decision that stays with them the rest of their life.
When young men look at my daughter I want them to see a young woman rooted in a Christian foundation, pure, joyful and a heart so big that it breaks when she sees someone in need. When young women look at my son I want them to see a young man, rooted in a Christian foundation, pure, humble and who goes out of his way to help those in need.

Yes, my children may not get to experience certain things that other teens experience at their age. They may not get to watch certain movies, listen to certain music or get to go to all of the parties. But at the end of the day I won’t have to worry about an embarrassing picture or video finding its way to Youtube, Facebook or Twitter.
God does the same for us. Through-out the New Testament we are taught not to quarrel, fight to use good words not words that are harsh or offend, not to act on revenge and to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Basically we are to live a life that is as blameless as possible.

Our reputation has a direct effect on our ability to witness. Every time we tarnish our image we make Christ a little less visible. If we are to be beacons who shine in the darkness we have to keep the lens clear of any dirt or grime that blocks the light from shining through.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2

Have Fun, Live Free, Hope Strong
Pastor G